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Dewsbury Rams are delighted that we can once again welcome fans into the Tetley’s Stadium on 13th of June when we host Toulouse. Over the course of the past year everyone at the club from staff to coaches and players have been waiting for this moment. 

We firstly would like to thank all those people who have supported the club in the past twelve months. Whether purchasing an item from the shop, buying a half time draw ticket or a season ticket. It is very much appreciated and you have contributed in helping to keep the name of Dewsbury Rams RLFC alive in one of the hardest and most difficult periods in not just our history but world history.

We want to take this opportunity to talk you through our plans for the return of spectators at the Tetley’s Stadium. Whilst this article is long we urge all supporters to read it carefully as the information in it is important. As a club we are operating to ensure that we comply with Government and RFL guidance and regulations.  

This guide is intended to advise you of those changes and also provide you with other information that you need to know in advance of attending any match at the Tetley’s Stadium.

As you will appreciate the situation in relation to Covid-19 is constantly evolving. So we will seek to keep you updated as to any changes to our operating practices via the club website and social media channels


Games will be entry through ticket only. Upon purchasing a match ticket you will agree to abide by the Spectator Code of Conduct and will have confirmed you are aware of the associated risks of attending a match.  Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be available for purchase at the club on the day of the match. Once purchase is complete you will receive your ticket by an email – you must print it off and present it at the turnstile. Alternatively, you can show the barcode part of your ticket on your phone to be scanned in.

Season Ticket Holders will be able to use their Season Card. All season ticket holders please ensure that you have read the following Spectator Code of Behaviour

All match day tickets and season tickets contain a QR code that will be used to identify the name of the purchaser and their details. Scanners will be in used at the turnstiles to check each individual in.

Maximum limits have been set for each area of the ground.

Please note that match tickets are only available in groups of up to six or two households, as per Government guidance, should you be willing to surrender social distancing restrictions within your own group. NAME AND CONTACT DETAILS (email) MUST BE PROVIDED FOR EACH PERSON USING EACH INDIVIDUAL TICKET. We will need you to provide accurate contact information for everyone attending in your group to assist with NHS test and trace requirements.


Prior to purchasing your tickets, you will be asked to ensure that you have read the following Spectator Code of Behaviour.

Spectators with disabilities should contact the Club ticket office OFFICE@DEWSBURYRAMS.UK to discuss what adjustments may be required to be made by the Club, including in light of Covid-19 regulation.

Please ensure that you have considered the associated risks of attending a match and your own vulnerability status via the following links:


Please note when attending a game at the Tetley’s Stadium there will be limited food and beverage kiosks open.

Supporters on the South Stand covered terrace and on the open Beaumont Terrace will not have access to food or drink outlets before and during the game. All financial transactions at the ground will be encouraged made by card – contactless.

The club shop will be open. It is classed as non-essential retail and in line with government legislation will be open for limited hours on a match day. Numbers allowed in the shop will be limited and shown on the door. Customers will be required to wear a mask and sanitise on entry. Contactless payment will be encouraged.

The toilets and first aid facilities will be open.

Face coverings will be mandated at all times in all areas of the Tetley’s Stadium. At no time can you remove your face covering. 


You should not attend the match if you or any member of your household are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • A high temperature (37.8 of higher); or
  • A new onset of a continuous cough; or
  • Loss of or change in normal sense of taste or smell  

In addition, you should not attend if you have been requested to isolate by NHS Track and Trace.


Entrance and exit times will be controlled so that everyone can enter and exit in a controlled and safe manner. Spectators are required to follow all Social Distancing guidelines in accordance with the current Government rules and the instructions of all Stewards.

Seating- Seats will be allocated with a distance of 2 seats apart. This is so seats between separate bookings are compliant with Social Distancing Guidelines. 

Standing- standing spectators must stand in the area allocated to them. The areas will be identified to supporters by stewards. Spectators cannot choose which area to stand in. If they leave that area (eg for the toilet) they must return to the same area.
Standing areas, spectators will still be required to ensure Social Distancing is abided by.


The Club will notify all spectators via the PA system about the importance of Social Distancing and other appropriate measures in place at the stadium.


Spectators who become ill whilst at the ground must, where possible, contact the following number 01924 465489 in order that the situation can be managed accordingly. Spectators who are displaying suspected Covid-19 symptoms will be taking to an isolation room contained within the ground.  

As said at the beginning of this guide we are extremely excited to have supporters back in the stadium. We know that Lee and the lads can’t wait to hear you cheering them on to victory. 

This is a big moment for us as a club and we are glad to be reunited with you, as said please read this guide carefully and multiple times to take all the information on board. 

We look forward to seeing you throughout the rest of the 2021 season

Traveling to the Rams

The Rams encourage all spectators to avoid crowded areas, specifically those that are indoors to reduce the risk of infection and encourage all spectators to come directly from home to the ground.  

We also advise fans to avoid public transport where possible. Where unavoidable spectators should ensure they are compliant with government guidance such as face coverings.

If you use public transport, please note the available options here.