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2021 Season Ticket info updated

Dewsbury Rams would like to remind supporters regarding the season tickets situation for the 2021 season. 

Now the club knows that the 2021 season will be taking place we want to take this opportunity to once again thank those fans who have already bought season tickets. 

At the beginning of the 2021 season all games will be played behind closed doors. Fixtures will be streamed on the Our League App for which you can sign up at this link.

A Dewsbury Rams season ticket will cover the 11 Betfred Championship home league games at the Tetleys Stadium in 2021. 

However as said our first three home league fixtures will be streamed and played behind closed doors. 
There is an anticipation of crowds being allowed in stadia from the 17th May. However this could be changed depending on government and RFL guidelines. 

Spectators also need to be made aware that there will be a range of additional measures and procedures to ensure social distancing is maintained (such as not all seats being available, one way systems in the stadium, restricted access to certain areas etc) which is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all fans, players and staff when supporters are allowed to return. 

If a Match has to be played out of view of the public (“Behind Closed Doors”), or Match attendance numbers are restricted as a consequence of any government, Rugby League or other regulatory body guidance or direction, the Club will endeavour to live stream that particular game(s) and to provide each qualifying season ticket holder, without charge, a streaming voucher to enable the ticket holder to log on to the stream and to view the Match live.

A qualifying season ticket for streams shall be any of an Adult, 16-24 year old and Over 65s.

Codes will not be offered to Junior Season Ticket holders.

Ticket holders may waive their right to a refund and instead permit the Club to retain the price paid as a donation in support of the Club’s activities.

2020 season ticket holders reminder

To those 2020 season ticket holders who made a full donation to the Club or to those who agreed for the club to retain the payment but requested a discount (33%) on the cost of the 2021 season ticket the early bird 10% discount on the online purchase of a 2021 ticket will be available up to to the start of the new season.

If you require a discount code please email

If you have not yet contacted the club regarding your season ticket option for last season, please do so as soon as possible by emailing

2021 Season Ticket Prices


Adult £200

Concession Over 65s. £150

16-24 year olds £120

Under 16s £3


Adult £185

Concession Over 65s £135

16-24 year olds £100

Under 16s £3

Streaming 2021 fixtures 

To be able to watch Dewsbury Rams fixtures via a stream you need to sign up to the RFL’s Our League App, this takes five minutes, is free and make sure you click Dewsbury Rams as the team you support. 

Our League sign up Link

To find out more about the streaming process please read the RFL’s FAQ page.

To purchase your 2021 season ticket please click here.