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Horsfall funeral details

The club recently announced the passing of former club photographer Steve Horsfall.

Steve’s funeral is on Thursday 29th October at Barnsley Crematorium, time 12:50pm.

There will be space to stand outside (socially distanced) for anyone who would like to pay their respects to Steve and the service will be transmitted outside via speakers.

Steve’s family are also hoping to run a live video link for anyone who is unable to make it which will be through Facebook live.

They intend to drive to Barnsley via Owl Lane and the Rams stadium (about Midday) where they hope that people may wish to line the road and pay their respects as he goes by. Exact time yet to be confirmed.

Steve’s family have asked for no flowers please but donations would be warmly accepted. As they intend to set up a charitable trust in Steve’s name and support local charities and worthy causes. They hope that they can continue Steve’s legacy through regular fundraising events.