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Rams host online seminar with community clubs

Dewsbury Rams can reveal that it held an online coaching seminar with community clubs on Wednesday evening.

Coaches of all age groups from all our local community clubs. Dewsbury Moor, Dewsbury Celtic, Shaw Cross Sharks, Hanging Heaton, Ossett Tigers, Mirfield Stags and Thornhill Trojans, were invited to take part in an online coaching seminar with Rams head coach Lee Greenwood.

Greenwood spoke about a variety of subjects including club culture and training methods.

The seminar was a success and it is the club’s intention to hold more of these in the future.

This again shows the club is looking to have a successful and longer lasting relationship with the local community sides.

The club would like to thank everyone who took part in the seminar.

On the event head coach Lee Greenwood said: “We have been wanting to engage with our local community clubs as much as possible and we feel this is a great way to strengthen our links.

“The session itself went well and there were some good questions from the coaches taking part.

“In normal times we would look to host sessions like this at the club but the online version worked well and we hope to repeat this in the future.”

Shaw Cross Sharks director of coaching added: “Thanks to Lee (Greenwood) and Steve (Downes) for providing the online coaching seminar as it gave valuable insight into the challenges of being a professional coach.

“Also excellent practical advice was given on many topics that as coaches we can take back into our amateur clubs. I am looking forward to the next one”