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Fleming signs for 2021 at Rams

Dewsbury Rams can announce that centre Matty Fleming will be staying at the Tetley’s Stadium for another year.

Fleming arrived at Dewsbury at the start of the 2020 campaign. He has plenty of experience whilst still young with age.

Fleming has played in Super League for the London Broncos and has impressed both supporters and teammates since joining the Rams with his hard working and skilful displays.

The club has had many fantastic centre’s down the years and Fleming is definitely on his way to being added to this list. Read David Hyomes article on the club’s legendary centre’s here

On keeping Fleming for 2021 head coach Lee Greenwood said: “We did well to attract Matt to the club last year. Whilst he has probably only showed glimpses of what he is capable of so far, I am happy he has chosen to stay for 2021.

“He is a great athlete and more importantly has a great attitude and work ethic.

“There is improvement in Matt and we will help him to reach his full potential.”

There will be an interview with Matt on the website tomorrow.

Fleming Video
