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Season ticket update

The club has now analysed all the replies we received from season ticket holders regarding the recent email that was circulated asking for feedback on how supporters felt we should deal with the 2020 season ticket issue.

We’d like to firstly thank all supporters for responding to it, it is really appreciated.

Although the club asked for responses by the 31st August, if you haven’t chosen one of the three options yet please can you respond with your choice to

So far only 40% of season ticket holders has responded and so if you haven’t chosen one of the three options it would be really appreciated if you could get back to the club as soon as possible.

From the three options offered 30% of respondents have asked for a partial refund on the cost of their season ticket. This refund will be processed at the end of the month.

Season tickets for 2021 will be on sale from early December and further details on this and on pricing will follow in due course.