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2020 Season Ticket Options

Dear Season Ticket Holder,

I wrote to you at the beginning of July with an update of how the club was faring in the current times as well as news regarding playing and coaching matters and asking for feedback and suggestions on how we should deal with the impact that the curtailment of the  season has had on our 2020 season tickets.

Following on from that I would first of all like to thank all those who sent their comments to the club. I really do appreciate the time that you have taken to do this and to share your passion about the club. As you can appreciate it really is a difficult time for the club with little income but with the ongoing maintenance and running expenses of the stadium which still exist even though the club is still basically temporarily closed until further notice.

We have carefully considered the options regarding the 2020 season ticket and we would like to put forward the following for your consideration –

1)    The price you paid for the season ticket is turned into a donation to the club to help with its survival and you do not require a refund.

2)    You would like us to retain the payment but would like a concession on the payment in the form of a 33.33% discount on the cost of the same type of season ticket i.e standing or seating for the 2021 season.

3)    You would like us to repay you with the pro-rata cost of the season ticket for those games that did not take place (we played 2 of the scheduled 13 games).

It would be appreciated if you could let us know by 31st August 2020 which of the three options you would like to take. You can reply by email to quoting your full name, address and season ticket number or alternatively write to club at the Tetley’s Stadium. Please do not just post on the club social media sites or do it by telephone since we may not receive your reply.  If you choose option 3 then this will be processed at the end of September to give us time to make the necessary arrangements.

At the beginning of the season I don’t think anyone thought that we would be sending out a message like this one. The future still remains uncertain and both the club and the game in general still faces a battle for survival. There may be clubs that don’t make it through all of this but everyone connected with Dewsbury Rams will be pulling together to make sure that we are there for the 2021 season. Our coaching team, playing squad and office staff have all taken a pay cut to help us out and if you can help us as well I’d be delighted but the choice has to be yours.

Thank you once again.

Mark Sawyer

Chairman Dewsbury Rams RLFC