Dewsbury Rams are pleased to announce that the club will be once again be holding a Rampage Camp on the 8th April 10am-3pm for juniors aged between 6-11.
The day will consist of fun filled activities that will be led by first team players Martyn Reilly and Luke Nelmes.

After our successful Rampage Summer Camp last year we are hoping for a similar turn out this time around. There are only 30 places available on the camp.

On the day the activities will include fun multi-skilled games, as well as football and rugby.
Children must bring their own packed lunches and plenty of water for the event. Also trainers and boots but NO STUDS. Children should come in sports wear ready to start the camp.

Places are limited so you have to be quick to book your child in to the day.
If you would like to book your child into the camp then please ring 01924465489 or email:
You will be sent a booking form to fill out, this must be returned to the club before the day with payment.
Forms can also be collected and returned to the club main reception on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10am-5pm.